Chain of Command

Mr. Dale Dyer, Assistant Principal

Mr. Kale Dyer

Unit 5166
Kadena AB
APO, AP 96368-5166
United States


School Contacts

Name Position Phone
Shante-Marie Contemplo Secretary 098-961-4849
Craig Matthews School Nurse/Health Aide 098-961-8723
Sayaka Minei Registrar 098-961-4849
Robert Sanders School Webmaster 098-961-4849
Shannon Velazquez Counselor (MS/HS) 098-961-4849

School Hours

Tuesdays are Early Release days

  Regular Hours Tuesday Hours
Office Hours 0700 - 1500 0700 - 1500

School Hours


0720 - 1350


0720 - 1250


Bell Schedule (Block Schedule with A/B Days)


Homeroom 0720 - 0725 0720 - 0725
Block 1 0730 - 0845 0730 - 0835
Block 2 0850 - 1015 0840 - 0950
Block 3 1020 - 1220
A Lunch: 1020 - 1050
B Lunch: 1150 - 1220
0955 - 1135
A Lunch: 0955 - 1025
B Lunch: 1105 - 1135
Block 4 1225 - 1350 1140 - 1250


Habu Day (8 Period Day) Bell Schedule


A1 0720 - 0800
A2 0805 - 0845
A3 0850 - 0930
A4 0935 - 1015

Seminar (B4)

and Lunch

1015 - 1145

A Lunch: 1015 - 1045
B Lunch: 1115 - 1145

B1 1150 - 1230
B2 1235 - 1315
B3 1320 - 1350


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